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PHP 5 Power Programming

Publicado por Fabián Flores Vadell 31/10/10 comentarios 1
In this book, PHP 5's co-creator and two leading PHP developers show you how to make the most of PHP 5's industrial-strength enhancements in any project—no matter how large or complex.

Their unique insights and realistic examples illuminate PHP 5's new object model, powerful design patterns, improved XML Web services support, and much more. Whether you're creating web applications, extensions, packages, or shell scripts—or migrating PHP 4 code—here are high-powered solutions you won't find anywhere else.

Review PHP's syntax and master its object-oriented capabilities—from properties and methods to polymorphism, interfaces, and reflection.

  • Master the four most important design patterns for PHP development
  • Write powerful web applications: handle input, cookies, session extension, and more.
  • Integrate with MySQL, SQLite, and other database engine.
  • Provide efficient error handling that's transparent to your users.
  • Leverage PHP 5's improved XML support—including parsing, XSLT conversions, and more.
  • Build XML-based web services with XML-RPC and SOAP.
  • Make the most of PEAR: work with the repository, use key packages, and create your own.
  • Upgrade PHP 4 code to PHP 5—compatibility issues, techniques, and practical workarounds.
  • Improve script performance: tips and tools for PHP optimization.
  • Use PHP extensions to handle files/streams, regular expressions, dates/times, and graphics.
  • Create original extensions and shell scripts.
  • If you're a software developer new to PHP, you'll leap quickly into PHP and its new object-oriented capabilities. If you're an experienced PHP programmer, you already recognize PHP's convenience and simplicity. Now, discover all of its extraordinary power!

This book is available to online reading

Title:PHP 5 Power Programming
Author:Andi Gutmans, Stig Bakken, Derick Rethans
Publication date:2004
Target:Web Programmers
Requirements:Knowledge on computers programming


Chapter 1:What Is New in PHP 5?
Chapter 2:PHP 5 Basic Language.
Chapter 3:PHP 5 OO Language.
Chapter 4:PHP 5 Advanced OOP and Design Patterns.
Chapter 5:How to Write a Web Application with PHP.
Chapter 6:Databases with PHP 5.
Chapter 7:Error Handling.
Chapter 8:XML with PHP 5.
Chapter 9:Mainstream Extensions.
Chapter 10:Using PEAR.
Chapter 11:Important PEAR Packages.
Chapter 12:Building PEAR Components.
Chapter 13:Making the Move.
Chapter 14:Performance.
Chapter 15:An Introduction to Writing PHP Extensions.
Chapter 16:PHP Shell Scripting.
Chapter 17:PEAR and PECL Package Index.
Appendix A:phpDocumentor Format Reference.
Appendix B:Zend Studio Quick Start Guide.

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  1. Anónimo Says:
  2. Gracias me sirvió mucho


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